1986 Grayhound Claw/Crane Machine

I acquired this machine from somebody on craigslist for $30, only catch was, it was broken into with a prybar, and a complete mess. As it was purchased as a project, in 2008 and now finished in 2010, it was extremely difficult locating and tracking down parts for this, so hard in fact that I at one point had given up hope on finishing.  As you can see in the pictures below, the inside of this thing was a complete mess, wires cut, plugs missing, claw hanging half way down, CPU boards thrown everywhere, etc..

Below are some pictures I took of the machine after I delivered it to my home in October of 2008

 What a mess!

 Huge mess of cut wires, extra boards just sitting in there, what a mess!


 the claw was stuck half way down.

 wasnt much wrong uptop, besides for some blown bulbs and a 1/2" thick pile of dust.

After breaking the machine down to every last bolt, and cleaning it up the best i could.  I was able to acquire the needed parts, I re-wired the joystick, painted the whole front of it with Glidden semi gloss and wet sanded. I also Fiberglassed the security bar holes and the damage from where the coin door was pryed apart, along with installing new locks.  Since the machine is no longer original, i decided to get rid of the chrome totally and use black, i am waiting for my order from t-molding.com so i can put the finishing touches on for the trim, and sides.

The motor in the claw itself was burnt out, and would not allow it to open, a new one was acquired and replaced. along with new string.  I still need to replace the missing plexi glass, and make a front "viewing" door.

To give the machine credits I wired in a switch next to the power receptacle, and also wired the "drop claw" button to give the machine credits.  (just push the claw drop and you get 1 credit) I got this idea from Jamie at http://www.noiselandarcade.net/   This machine was restored to be in a Home game room so this makes it easier instead of dropping money into it.

Here is the machine in working order, and freshly painted after allot of fiberglassing and sanding.

I used a Rustoluem semi gloss on the coin door and cleaned the original dollar acceptor plate the best i could.

 After finding the appropriate plugs that where originally cut off, i was able to get it working like new!

 its not a crane machine without a ren farting doll!

My Order from T-molding.com arrived today with my t-molding and edge banding..

 I installed the new edge banding around the prize chute.

The black t-molding was installed.  I used some Hot glue on the parts where it would not stick.

I have allot of parts available for the Grayhound crane such as, boards, claw, motors, trolley parts, spring harness etc..  Send me an email at aaedj@live.com with the part you are looking for, and I will help you out the best I can.

also have a ROWE OBA bill acceptor, with 2 acceptors and 1 module for sale. (untested, as-is)

 Some info And Resources.

I had the paint matched exactly at home depot, Below are the color codes.

I was able to Obtain a Complete .PDF Owners Manual With Schematics at Tims Arcade

 The Grayhound Electronics company has been bought out by United Textile, They still manufacture arcade claw machine's, and provide support and parts for the older grayhound models. Some New Drive Belts have been acquired by them, and they were not at all cheap.

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